feat: review page improvements (#56)

There are a few different changes in this PR.

One of which specifically fixed rendering of the loading state of the review page, and how the title was laid out.

First things first, this makes it so that we don't immediately block render when loading the review page and gets us the pending state.

 const route = useRoute();
 const { pending, data, error } = await useFetch('/api/review', {
+  lazy: true,

Created a default layout with a footer link to the GitHub repository for this website.

+        <NuxtLink 
+          href="" 
+          class="underline underline-offset-8 font-bold"
+        >
+          <em>present-me</em> by stanistan
+        </NuxtLink> 

Updated app.vue to use the default layout.

-  <NuxtPage />
+  <NuxtLayout>
+    <NuxtPage />
+  </NuxtLayout>